Juegos Mentales

Juegos de InteligenciaJuegos de InteligenciaJuegos de LógicaJuegos de LógicaJuegos de Point and ClickJuegos de Point and ClickJuegos de MesaJuegos de Mesa
The Impossible QuizThe Impossible QuizWacky Doodle FixesWacky Doodle FixesScary Teacher 3DScary Teacher 3D
Watermelon DropWatermelon DropHidden PigeonHidden Pigeon
Blocks FusionBlocks FusionSpot the DifferencesSpot the DifferencesLongcatLongcat20482048Traffic Escape!Traffic Escape!Brain Test 4: Tricky FriendsBrain Test 4: Tricky FriendsJumping ShellJumping ShellTirador de Burbujas AlborotadoTirador de Burbujas AlborotadoTrivia CrackTrivia CrackLittle Alchemy 2Little Alchemy 2We Become What We BeholdWe Become What We BeholdIt's Story Time!It's Story Time!Life Choices: Life SimulatorLife Choices: Life SimulatorGoogle FeudGoogle FeudWhere Is? Find Hidden ObjectsWhere Is? Find Hidden ObjectsUltimate SudokuUltimate SudokuWater Color SortWater Color SortRescue the FishRescue the FishShape Fold AnimalsShape Fold AnimalsFreecell SolitaireFreecell SolitaireNuts and Bolts: Screwing PuzzleNuts and Bolts: Screwing PuzzleNumbersNumbersWords Search Classic EditionWords Search Classic EditionGobbleGobbleMake It MemeMake It MemeFear ResponseFear ResponseMystical BirdlinkMystical BirdlinkEscape From SchoolEscape From SchoolWord BossWord BossHappy GlassHappy GlassPixLinksPixLinksMaster CheckersMaster CheckersLevel DevilLevel DevilKawaii Fruits 3DKawaii Fruits 3DWord MatchWord MatchFour in a RowFour in a RowBrain Test 3: Tricky QuestsBrain Test 3: Tricky QuestsFree The KeyFree The KeyMaze: Path of LightMaze: Path of LightDraw To Smash: Logic PuzzleDraw To Smash: Logic PuzzleMaster ChessMaster ChessRed Ball 4Red Ball 4Paper BlockPaper BlockCiudad de PalabrasCiudad de PalabrasClassic MahjongClassic MahjongOnet MasterOnet MasterSugar, Sugar 3Sugar, Sugar 3Prankster 3DPrankster 3DShape FoldShape FoldDetective Loupe PuzzleDetective Loupe PuzzleWoody SortWoody SortDoodle GodDoodle GodTiles masterTiles masterLove BallsLove BallsSticker AlbumSticker AlbumSolitaire GolfSolitaire GolfDuo Vikings 2Duo Vikings 2Life - The GameLife - The GamePolygon MasterPolygon MasterWord MonstersWord MonstersGreenGreenInfinity LoopInfinity LoopConnect PuzzleConnect PuzzleBubble SortingBubble SortingSugar, Sugar 2Sugar, Sugar 2EnergyEnergyTicTacToeTicTacToeForgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 3Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 3Stupidella 2Stupidella 2Mowing MazesMowing MazesWood Blocks 3DWood Blocks 3DBlackBlackLine  ConnectLine ConnectStupidella HorrorStupidella Horror
Cover OrangeCover OrangeMatch BeeMatch BeePopular WordsPopular WordsMarket SortMarket SortSimply Prop HuntSimply Prop HuntBlumgi BloomBlumgi BloomTeeny Tiny TownTeeny Tiny TownFun Water SortingFun Water SortingCats DropCats DropPull the StringPull the StringLittle Cabin in the WoodsLittle Cabin in the WoodsJumpossessJumpossessExceptionsExceptionsGoblockGoblockOdd Bot OutOdd Bot OutEmoji PuzzlesEmoji PuzzlesArithmeticAArithmeticALaberinto del TerrorLaberinto del TerrorPlactionsPlactionsGrowmiGrowmiWordsSearchWordsSearchMerge And DecorMerge And DecorBoxRobBoxRobWord SearchWord SearchSPECTRUMSPECTRUMDuo Survival 3Duo Survival 3Brain For Monster TruckBrain For Monster TruckImpossible 13Impossible 13Heart StarHeart StarForgotten Hill: The WardrobeForgotten Hill: The WardrobeBubble Charms XmasBubble Charms XmasTic Tac ToeTic Tac ToeCosmos LinesCosmos LinesClassic SolitaireClassic SolitaireHex FRVRHex FRVRBoxRob 2BoxRob 2Car Parking JamCar Parking JamWord FinderWord FinderChessformerChessformer4 Pics 1 Word4 Pics 1 WordWar Masters: Tactical StrategyWar Masters: Tactical StrategyMy Super Tiny MarketMy Super Tiny MarketHide Ball: Brain TeaserHide Ball: Brain TeaserForgotten Hill: The Third AxisForgotten Hill: The Third AxisTri PeaksTri PeaksThe PillarThe PillarDetective DanDetective DanIdle BreakoutIdle BreakoutCover Orange: Wild WestCover Orange: Wild WestJump and HoverJump and HoverSudoblocksSudoblocksLondon Jigsaw PuzzleLondon Jigsaw PuzzleDark Light SwapDark Light SwapLook, Your Loot!Look, Your Loot!Factory Balls ForeverFactory Balls ForeverMaze SpeedrunMaze SpeedrunSandtrisSandtrisPark OutPark OutForgotten Hill Memento: Love BeyondForgotten Hill Memento: Love BeyondBubble ShotsBubble ShotsHow to loot - Pin pullHow to loot - Pin pullWhere's Your Country?Where's Your Country?Unblock ItUnblock ItJigsaw GemsJigsaw GemsMerge the NumbersMerge the NumbersBrain Quiz 3DBrain Quiz 3DKlondike SolitaireKlondike SolitaireWord SlideWord SlideTic Tac ToeTic Tac ToeDomino Merge!Domino Merge!Time ClonesTime ClonesMicroWarsMicroWarsWordsmithWordsmithFacepalm QuestFacepalm QuestStupidella 3Stupidella 3Dino BrosDino BrosArrow PathwayArrow PathwayNinja MouseNinja MouseApple WormApple WormForgotten Hill: SurgeryForgotten Hill: SurgeryUltimate Tic Tac ToeUltimate Tic Tac ToeString Theory 2 RemasteredString Theory 2 RemasteredWords EmojiWords EmojiZen BlocksZen BlocksPuzzle PathPuzzle PathGravity SoccerGravity SoccerBlueBlueZooplopZooplopFast Typer 2Fast Typer 2Not NotNot NotCircuit MasterCircuit MasterKing of MahjongKing of MahjongThe Impossible Quiz 2The Impossible Quiz 2ResizerResizerFast Typer 3Fast Typer 3Puffy CatPuffy CatDuo SurvivalDuo SurvivalYarn UntangleYarn UntangleRotateRotateShapesShapesLight the LampLight the LampCubinkoCubinkoWhere is My Cat?Where is My Cat?Time QuizTime QuizDumb Ways To Die 3: World TourDumb Ways To Die 3: World TourTroll Toilet Quest 1Troll Toilet Quest 1Battleships ArmadaBattleships ArmadaRock Paper ClickerRock Paper ClickerCover Orange: SpaceCover Orange: SpaceUnpuzzleXUnpuzzleXSatisBoxSatisBoxSudoku VillageSudoku VillagePull My TonguePull My TongueIsotilesIsotilesMahjong CardsMahjong CardsCover Orange: GangstersCover Orange: Gangsters11-1111-11Lines to FillLines to FillPipesPipesPortrait of an ObsessionPortrait of an ObsessionEmbotellamientoEmbotellamientoPower LightPower LightMini TrainMini TrainShape Fold NatureShape Fold NatureFluffy OutFluffy OutDuo Survival 2Duo Survival 2RhombRhombRotateZRotateZCover Orange: JourneyCover Orange: JourneyMika's Candy AdventureMika's Candy AdventureNonogramNonogramCard HogCard HogSleepless PugSleepless PugJigsaw Photo Puzzle: WinterJigsaw Photo Puzzle: WinterStupidella 1Stupidella 1ProphetsProphetsJigsaw SurpriseJigsaw SurpriseSlash the RopeSlash the RopeBig Tall SmallBig Tall SmallPinkPinkPrismo PuzzlesPrismo PuzzlesBlockinsBlockinsJungle Bubble Shooter ManiaJungle Bubble Shooter ManiaNoob: Zombie Prison EscapeNoob: Zombie Prison EscapeUnpuzzleUnpuzzleForgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 4Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 4BoxRob 3BoxRob 3Wall JumperWall JumperFlagsFlagsCircloOCircloOSolitaire ReverseSolitaire ReverseCasual ChessCasual ChessStupidella 4Stupidella 4DiffDiffClassic MinesweeperClassic MinesweeperZomrageZomrageTruck Loader 5Truck Loader 51010 Color Match1010 Color MatchWord ChainsWord ChainsString Theory RemasteredString Theory RemasteredMicroWars 2MicroWars 2Sweet WorldSweet WorldTightrope TheatreTightrope TheatreLine Up: Dots!Line Up: Dots!SparkanoidSparkanoidPixel PuzzlesPixel PuzzlesCover Orange: PiratesCover Orange: PiratesLaser QuestLaser QuestMath Trivia LiveMath Trivia LiveKronch'N'RollKronch'N'RollSides of GravitySides of GravityBonita Bruja de los PuzzlesBonita Bruja de los PuzzlesForgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 2Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 2Forgotten Hill Memento: PlaygroundForgotten Hill Memento: PlaygroundBlock the PigBlock the PigForgotten Hill: PuppeteerForgotten Hill: PuppeteerIcy Purple Head 2Icy Purple Head 2WordokuWordokuOne Button BounceOne Button BounceOoze OdysseyOoze OdysseyPapa Cherry SagaPapa Cherry SagaFlags QuizFlags QuizPhoto Puzzle: Slide EditionPhoto Puzzle: Slide EditionGem 11Gem 11Emoji Sort MasterEmoji Sort MasterPuffy Cat 2Puffy Cat 2MadZOOngMadZOOngZOOM-BE 2ZOOM-BE 2Don't Spoil ItDon't Spoil ItOnet ParadiseOnet ParadiseSushi ChefSushi ChefSpace BubblesSpace BubblesDoodle God: Good Old TimesDoodle God: Good Old TimesMahjoctopusMahjoctopusPicnic PenguinPicnic PenguinAlchemix - Match 3Alchemix - Match 3Doodle God: Fantasy World of MagicDoodle God: Fantasy World of Magic1010! Deluxe1010! DeluxeYahtzee Yatzy Yams Classic EditionYahtzee Yatzy Yams Classic EditionPlatform CountdownPlatform CountdownLedge ThrowLedge ThrowLords of GomokuLords of GomokuMahjong PyramidsMahjong PyramidsForgotten Hill Disillusion: The LibraryForgotten Hill Disillusion: The LibraryDuo Vikings 3Duo Vikings 3Speed KingSpeed KingChess GrandmasterChess GrandmasterInfinity Loop: HexInfinity Loop: HexForgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5
Juegos de PuzzleJuegos de PuzzleJuegos de Buscar ObjetosJuegos de Buscar ObjetosJuegos de MemoriaJuegos de MemoriaJuegos de PreguntasJuegos de PreguntasJuegos de MouseJuegos de MouseJuegos ClásicosJuegos Clásicos

Juegos Mentales

Juegos Mentales

Pon a prueba tu intelecto con nuestra impresionante colección de juegos mentales. Ofrecemos una amplia variedad de desafíos alucinantes y entretenidos que estimularán tu mente de formas inimaginables. Sumérgete en rompecabezas clásicos y novedosos, desde variaciones del Buscaminas de Windows hasta Memory con temas especialmente diseñados. Jugadores de todas las edades pueden explorar intrincados laberintos de diversas dificultades. Demuestra tu astucia para alcanzar la victoria y no dejes que la computadora te engañe. Disfruta de versiones modificadas de tus juegos favoritos de siempre y adéntrate en el siglo XXI con una oferta interminable de aventuras pensantes.

Indistintamente del nivel de habilidad, nuestros juegos de ingenio, o mejor dicho, juegos mentales, son fáciles de aprender. Tanto jugadores novatos como experimentados enfrentarán desafíos de alto calibre. Personaliza el nivel de dificultad en nuestros juegos mentales basados en matemáticas y pon a prueba los límites de tu mente. Mejora tus habilidades y establece nuevos récords en desafíos de bloques y bolas. Juega desde clásicos como Tetris hasta desafíos más cerebrales como Sudoku, y compite con tus amigos. Participa en emocionantes desafíos de dibujo o búsqueda y encuentra, y resuelve acertijos con misteriosas palabras.

¿Cuáles son los mejores Juegos Mentales gratuitos online?

  1. Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles
  2. Who Is?
  3. Brain Test All-Star
  4. Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories
  5. Guess the Emojis
  6. Word City Crossed
  7. Who is? 2 Brain Puzzle & Chats
  8. Blocky Blast Puzzle
  9. Sort Puzzle
  10. Walk Like A Duck

¿Cuáles son los Juegos Mentales más populares para teléfono móvil o tablet?

  1. Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles
  2. Who Is?
  3. Brain Test All-Star
  4. Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories
  5. Guess the Emojis