
Fruit NinjaFruit NinjaSnackioSnackio
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Find Hidden ObjectsWhere Is? Find Hidden Objects11-1111-11Factory Balls ForeverFactory Balls ForeverRock Paper ClickerRock Paper ClickerKawaii Fruits 3DKawaii Fruits 3DHide Ball: Brain TeaserHide Ball: Brain TeaserMicroWarsMicroWarsStick RushStick RushBombHopper.ioBombHopper.ioIdle SuccessIdle SuccessPerfect DunkPerfect DunkStickman Fight: RagdollStickman Fight: RagdollPop It MasterPop It MasterMerge CakesMerge CakesAnycolor by NumbersAnycolor by NumbersMerge Gangster CarsMerge Gangster CarsPapa's DonuteriaPapa's DonuteriaNinja MouseNinja MouseBrain Test 4: Tricky FriendsBrain Test 4: Tricky FriendsString Theory RemasteredString Theory RemasteredArrow PathwayArrow PathwaySoccer Skills Euro CupSoccer Skills Euro CupMophead DashMophead DashZeepkist: Crash 2DZeepkist: Crash 2DGalactic EmpireGalactic EmpireTrivia CrackTrivia CrackRecoilRecoilShark.ioShark.ioWoody SortWoody SortStupidella 1Stupidella 1Neon Flytron: Cyberpunk RacerNeon Flytron: Cyberpunk RacerIdle BreakoutIdle BreakoutQuick GunQuick GunLife Choices: Life SimulatorLife Choices: Life SimulatorCastle WoodwarfCastle WoodwarfStickman Kingdom ClashStickman Kingdom ClashStickman Archers: WavesStickman Archers: WavesHow to loot - Pin pullHow to loot - Pin pullMini TrainMini TrainBlob DropBlob DropStickman Fighter: Mega BrawlStickman Fighter: Mega BrawlDriftwaveDriftwaveDoctor Teeth 2Doctor Teeth 2Limited SurviveLimited SurviveIdle Lumber IncIdle Lumber IncBlobby ClickerBlobby ClickerBlumgi BloomBlumgi BloomHospital Stories: Doctor BasketballHospital Stories: Doctor BasketballWhere's My Pizza?Where's My Pizza?Papa's FreezeriaPapa's FreezeriaNot NotNot NotPull the StringPull the StringInfiltrating the AirshipInfiltrating the AirshipAge of WarAge of WarNoob ArcherNoob ArcherCar Parking JamCar Parking JamConnect PuzzleConnect PuzzleMerge Round RacersMerge Round RacersFestival Vibes MakeupFestival Vibes MakeupJames GunJames GunVero Life - Dress Up & DecorVero Life - Dress Up & DecorForgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 3Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 3Amazon Spider SolitaireAmazon Spider SolitaireStupid Zombies 2Stupid Zombies 2Poor EddiePoor EddieJigsaw GemsJigsaw GemsPapa's ScooperiaPapa's ScooperiaCats DropCats DropCrafty AnvilCrafty AnvilO Mandala!O Mandala!Chicken MergeChicken MergeBasketball LineBasketball LineDetective Loupe PuzzleDetective Loupe PuzzleStacktrisStacktrisBase Defense 2Base Defense 2Golfparty.ioGolfparty.ioYarn UntangleYarn UntangleWater Color SortWater Color SortCover Orange: PiratesCover Orange: PiratesTimantin VarastusTimantin VarastusJacksmithJacksmithSuper FowlstSuper FowlstScary MazeScary MazeLook, Your Loot!Look, Your Loot!Princess Lovely FashionPrincess Lovely FashionArcher CastleArcher CastleBreakoidBreakoidPark OutPark OutAnime Dress UpAnime Dress UpStupidella 2Stupidella 2Kawaii Dress-UpKawaii Dress-UpMummy's Path DeluxeMummy's Path DeluxeSchool Escape!School Escape!Paper BlockPaper BlockAnycolor HoroscopesAnycolor HoroscopesMy Super Tiny MarketMy Super Tiny MarketStupidella 3Stupidella 3Spaceship MergeSpaceship MergePipesPipesPoolPoolPuppetman: Ragdoll PuzzlePuppetman: Ragdoll PuzzleDot RushDot RushKing of MahjongKing of MahjongStupidella 4Stupidella 4Wheat ClickerWheat ClickerIdle Digging TycoonIdle Digging TycoonIdle Light CityIdle Light CityNoob HookNoob HookRoperRoperPapa's SushiriaPapa's SushiriaPapa's HotdoggeriaPapa's HotdoggeriaSquad GoalsSquad GoalsWorld ConquestWorld ConquestMagikmonMagikmonAfterlife: The GameAfterlife: The GameSummer Fashion MakeoverSummer Fashion MakeoverWord SlideWord SlidePapa’s PancakeriaPapa’s PancakeriaTroll Toilet Quest 1Troll Toilet Quest 1Sticker AlbumSticker AlbumPapa's BakeriaPapa's BakeriaViking VillageViking VillageArmy WarfareArmy WarfareBrain Test 3: Tricky QuestsBrain Test 3: Tricky QuestsGolfinityGolfinityForgotten Hill: The Third AxisForgotten Hill: The Third AxisCover Orange: SpaceCover Orange: SpaceWall JumperWall JumperLike a KingLike a KingScrap DiversScrap DiversStupidella ClickStupidella ClickStack CityStack CityIdle Startup TycoonIdle Startup TycoonFantasy MergerFantasy MergerHop & Pop ItHop & Pop ItBreaking the BankBreaking the BankStickman Army: The DefendersStickman Army: The DefendersMerge PartyMerge PartyPapa's BurgeriaPapa's BurgeriaFishing AliveFishing AliveClimb FlingClimb FlingMerge SummerMerge SummerFun Water SortingFun Water SortingEmoji PuzzlesEmoji PuzzlesIn The DoghouseIn The DoghouseDrilly The MinerDrilly The MinerCow BayCow BayMekoramaMekoramaCosmos LinesCosmos LinesPapa's CupcakeriaPapa's CupcakeriaPapa's PizzeriaPapa's PizzeriaMahjoctopusMahjoctopusPixel FishingPixel FishingLines to FillLines to FillStickman Army: Team BattleStickman Army: Team BattlePapa's CheeseriaPapa's CheeseriaCoin FactoryCoin FactoryIdle Pet BusinessIdle Pet BusinessFunny Kitty HaircutFunny Kitty HaircutSlime WarSlime WarDoggo ClickerDoggo ClickerInfinity Loop: HexInfinity Loop: HexMaalivahdin HaasteMaalivahdin HaasteIZOWAVE - Build and DefendIZOWAVE - Build and DefendRabbit SamuraiRabbit SamuraiFruit WheelFruit WheelFreecell SolitaireFreecell SolitaireShotdogsShotdogsVillage BuilderVillage BuilderFunny Travelling AirportFunny Travelling AirportCat Clicker RECat Clicker REYummy Donut FactoryYummy Donut FactoryBobbleBobbleConq.ioConq.ioTiles masterTiles masterMerge PenguinsMerge PenguinsFunny Tattoo ShopFunny Tattoo ShopRoyal Card ClashRoyal Card ClashApple Knight GolfApple Knight GolfQuack QuestQuack QuestFarm and MineFarm and MinekORi WALkkORi WALkDungeons & Dress-UpsDungeons & Dress-UpsNonogramNonogramCover Orange: Wild WestCover Orange: Wild WestMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncFluffy OutFluffy OutCherry On The CakeCherry On The CakeSuper Fowlst 2Super Fowlst 2Fashion Odyssey Country2countryFashion Odyssey Country2country
BrushBattleBrushBattlePack a bagPack a bagPirate IslandPirate IslandPuffy CatPuffy CatZooplopZooplopShape Fold NatureShape Fold NatureJamming Car EscapeJamming Car EscapeCat's PartyCat's PartyFowlstFowlstZooDropZooDropEuro Kick TournamentEuro Kick TournamentShoot'n'Shout TurboShoot'n'Shout TurboPixel PuzzlesPixel PuzzlesForgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 4Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 4Jigsaw Photo Puzzle: WinterJigsaw Photo Puzzle: WinterCricket SuperstarCricket SuperstarCannon BlastCannon BlastCover Orange: GangstersCover Orange: GangstersMerge TycoonMerge TycoonIdle GangIdle GangToaster DashToaster DashElixpur IdleElixpur IdleBeecoins IncBeecoins IncSurvivor ZSurvivor ZPirates MergerPirates MergerZombies vs FingerZombies vs FingerPrismo ColoringPrismo ColoringIdle Gold MinerIdle Gold MinerIdle MinerIdle MinerMerge the NumbersMerge the NumbersRoutemaniaRoutemaniaLogic Master 1Logic Master 1Yummy HotdogYummy HotdogMonster MergeMonster MergePixel RealmsPixel RealmsPuffy Cat 2Puffy Cat 2I'm BorrI'm BorrIdle Farming BusinessIdle Farming Business
Osoita ja napsauta -pelitOsoita ja napsauta -pelitTycoon PelitTycoon PelitVäripelitVäripelitKodikaspelitKodikaspelitPulmapelitPulmapelitÄlypelitÄlypelit



Tietokoneen hiiren taito on kätevä monella tietokoneella. Hiiripelimme vievät sinut intensiiviseen pelitoimintaan. Muokkaa fysiikkaympäristöjä, siirrä palloja haastavien kurssien läpi ja yritä ansaita uusi ennätys! Useat haasteemme antavat sinun hallita yksittäisiä pikseleitä. Näissä peleissä sinua haastetaan välttämään esteitä, kun maailma ympärilläsi muuttuu. Kokoelmassamme voit ratkaista arvoituksia ja asettaa uusia ennätyksiä; hallitse kohdistinta ja yritä suorittaa yksi tuhansista tasoista!

Pelaa abstrakteissa ympäristöissä, siirrä palloja tasaisella kentällä tai nauti kokoelman hehkuvasta 3D -grafiikasta. Hiiri on kaikki mitä sinun tulee kutoa esineiden välillä, hallita hahmoasi ja asettaa uusia ennätyksiä. Pelaa linjapeliä, klassista Squares -toimintaa ja napsauta Maze 2 hiiripelikokoelmaamme. Tarjoamme kaikentyyppisiä pelattavuuksia, joiden avulla voit testata oikeakätisiä kykyjäsi monin eri tavoin. Liiku nopeasti hiirimatolla, hallitse ohjauspalloa rauhallisesti ja yritä olla tärisemättä!

Mitkä ovat parhaat ilmaiset Hiiripelit netissä?

  1. Smash It
  2. Stickman Hook
  3. Guess the Emojis
  4. Stick Merge
  5. Marble Run 3D
  6. Who is? 2 Brain Puzzle & Chats
  7. Scary Teacher 3D
  8. Prankster 3D
  9. PickCrafter
  10. Exhibit of Sorrows

Mitkä ovat suosituimmat Hiiripelit mobiililaitteelle tai tabletille?

  1. Smash It
  2. Stickman Hook
  3. Guess the Emojis
  4. Stick Merge
  5. Marble Run 3D