Jocuri Simulatoare

Jocuri de ConstrucțieJocuri de ConstrucțieJocuri de MagnatJocuri de MagnatJocuri IdleJocuri IdleJocuri de ConstruitJocuri de Construit
Life Choices 2: Life SimulatorLife Choices 2: Life SimulatorBunny FarmBunny Farm
Survival BuilderSurvival BuilderLucky Claw MachineLucky Claw MachineOffice ManagerOffice ManagerDoodle GodDoodle GodVillage BuilderVillage BuilderWar of SticksWar of SticksVillage CraftVillage CraftRoller Coaster Builder 2Roller Coaster Builder 2Tiger Simulator 3DTiger Simulator 3DIdle Gold MinerIdle Gold MinerIdle AntsIdle AntsPunch Legend SimulatorPunch Legend SimulatorSugar, SugarSugar, Sugar18 Wheeler Cargo Simulator 218 Wheeler Cargo Simulator 2Hospital Stories: Doctor RugbyHospital Stories: Doctor RugbyThe Final Earth 2The Final Earth 2We Become What We BeholdWe Become What We BeholdIdle Tree CityIdle Tree CityRaccoon Adventure: City Simulator 3DRaccoon Adventure: City Simulator 3DMarble Run SimulatorMarble Run SimulatorAnt Art TycoonAnt Art TycoonHospital Stories: Doctor SoccerHospital Stories: Doctor SoccerUnder the Red SkyUnder the Red SkyAnycolorAnycolorVortelli's Pizza DeliveryVortelli's Pizza DeliveryHospital Stories: Doctor BasketballHospital Stories: Doctor BasketballSky MadSky MadCastle Defender SagaCastle Defender SagaVortelli's PizzaVortelli's PizzaIdle Farming BusinessIdle Farming BusinessWar MasterWar MasterGame of FarmersGame of FarmersDoctor HeroDoctor HeroDungeon MinerDungeon MinerWhere's My Pizza?Where's My Pizza?Tribals.ioTribals.ioSilly SkySilly SkyDog Simulator 3DDog Simulator 3DHorse Simulator 3DHorse Simulator 3DPizza TowerPizza TowerKiwi ClickerKiwi ClickerKingdom HeroesKingdom HeroesIdle SuccessIdle SuccessCow BayCow BayIdle Digging TycoonIdle Digging TycoonJungle FriendsJungle FriendsRotateZRotateZDeer SimulatorDeer SimulatorShape Fold NatureShape Fold NatureCozy Room DesignCozy Room DesignBeecoins IncBeecoins IncDasi Hospital ManagerDasi Hospital ManagerAqua ThrillsAqua ThrillsShape FoldShape FoldMislandMislandVortelli's CafeVortelli's CafePanda Simulator 3DPanda Simulator 3DTraffic Escape!Traffic Escape!Wheat FarmingWheat FarmingIdle GangIdle GangDasi Library ManagerDasi Library ManagerArcher Master 3D: Castle DefenseArcher Master 3D: Castle DefenseOlly the PawOlly the PawMechabotsMechabotsIsland Odyssey: Return of the SeaIsland Odyssey: Return of the SeaIdle Money TreeIdle Money TreeTiger TankTiger TankGym MastersGym MastersCafe SimulatorCafe SimulatorIdle Startup TycoonIdle Startup TycoonFantasy SandboxFantasy Sandbox
Highway Bike SimulatorHighway Bike SimulatorDoctor Teeth 2Doctor Teeth 2Fox Simulator 3DFox Simulator 3DPixel FishingPixel FishingBlacksmith TycoonBlacksmith TycoonPapa's CupcakeriaPapa's CupcakeriaCaesar's Day OffCaesar's Day OffLife: The Game - Stay SafeLife: The Game - Stay SafePirates MergerPirates MergerScrew FactoryScrew FactoryBarbershop Inc.Barbershop Inc.Perfect PeelPerfect PeelWoodcraftWoodcraftCrafty CooksCrafty CooksApple Knight: Farmers MarketApple Knight: Farmers MarketAfterlife: The GameAfterlife: The GameCity RiderCity RiderFunny Hair SalonFunny Hair SalonIdle MinerIdle MinerSlashZSlashZStack CityStack CityJust Park It 12Just Park It 12Cookie MasterCookie MasterAnycolor by NumbersAnycolor by NumbersPunchersPunchersIdle Pet BusinessIdle Pet BusinessIdle Light CityIdle Light CitySatisBoxSatisBoxCat Coffee ShopCat Coffee ShopOffroader V5Offroader V5Castle WoodwarfCastle WoodwarfRocket Soccer DerbyRocket Soccer DerbySuper Girl StorySuper Girl StoryMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncBurger BountyBurger BountyIdle Zoo Safari RescueIdle Zoo Safari RescueMine LineMine LineDoodle God: Good Old TimesDoodle God: Good Old TimesReal Estate RushReal Estate RushHorse ShoeingHorse ShoeingCombiMonCombiMonPrismo ColoringPrismo ColoringExtreme Off Road CarsExtreme Off Road CarsAnycolor HoroscopesAnycolor HoroscopesExtreme Off Road Cars 3: CargoExtreme Off Road Cars 3: CargoCrafters Inc: Tycoon EmpireCrafters Inc: Tycoon EmpireIdle CowshedIdle CowshedTree House MakerTree House MakerMy Super Tiny MarketMy Super Tiny MarketFury WarshipFury WarshipWheat ClickerWheat ClickerIZOWAVE - Build and DefendIZOWAVE - Build and DefendMarble RunMarble RunPixel RealmsPixel RealmsCrazy Pig SimulatorCrazy Pig SimulatorPapa's ScooperiaPapa's ScooperiaTowntopiaTowntopiaGoat vs ZombiesGoat vs ZombiesToy Car SimulatorToy Car SimulatorGrow Up the CatsGrow Up the CatsPack a bagPack a bagFlowZFlowZJust Park It 11Just Park It 11Castle BlocksCastle BlocksFarm and MineFarm and MineBuild LandBuild LandFox Island BuilderFox Island BuilderIce Cream, Please!Ice Cream, Please!Giraffe Winter Sports SimulatorGiraffe Winter Sports SimulatorDoodle God: Fantasy World of MagicDoodle God: Fantasy World of MagicMarble Run 2DMarble Run 2DCrazy PartyCrazy PartyPhox ForagePhox Forage2 Player City Racing2 Player City RacingKate's Cooking Party 2Kate's Cooking Party 2
Jocuri ManagerJocuri ManagerJocuri cu Clic-uriJocuri cu Clic-uriJocuri 3DJocuri 3DJocuri cu FermeJocuri cu FermeJocuri din MouseJocuri din MouseJocuri de FeteJocuri de Fete

Jocuri Simulatoare

Jocuri Simulatoare
Colectia noastra e perfecta pentru cei ce cauta o provocare reala. Poti reconstitui evenimente incitante din viata reala, poti incerca diferite meserii si iti poti perfectiona talentul in aceste provocari cu simulatoare. Joaca unul dintre numeroasele jocuri de ferma, inclusiv seria de jocuri Farm Frenzy, absolut gratuit. De asemenea, poti patrunde in Vestul Salbatic si poti juca rolul unui tragator de elita intr-unul dintre aceste jocuri simulatoare cu cowboy. Poti chiar juca rolul unui pompier, alunecand pe teava, conducand masina de pompieri si stingand flacarile orbitoare!

In provocarile din aceste jocuri simulatoare poti alterna de la o profesie la alta, cum ar fi din lucratori din domeniul sanitar si menajere. Poti efectua o operatie la genunchi realistica, poti deveni veterinar sau poti juca rolul unei asistente intr-un spital de maternitate. De asemenea, poti curata case, poti organiza o camera murdara si poti castiga bani fiind o menajera de inalta clasa. Indiferent de tipul simularii alese, vei avea cu siguranta parte de distractie in aceste aventuri! Poti fi seful unei fabrici de reciclare, poti impusca adversari diferiti si poti simula orice iti doresti!

Care sunt cele mai bune Jocuri Simulatoare gratuite online?

  1. Idle Mining Empire
  2. Cat Pizza
  3. Idle Lumber Inc
  4. My Perfect Hotel
  5. Life Choices: Life Simulator
  6. Digging Master
  7. Sprint League
  8. Dragon Simulator 3D
  9. Mall Tycoon
  10. Monkey Mart

Care sunt cele mai populare Jocuri Simulatoare pentru telefonul mobil sau tabletă?

  1. Idle Mining Empire
  2. Cat Pizza
  3. My Perfect Hotel
  4. Life Choices: Life Simulator
  5. Digging Master