Jocuri Manager

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Vortelli's PizzaVortelli's PizzaCat PizzaCat PizzaMonkey MartMonkey MartCoin FactoryCoin FactoryRetro BowlRetro BowlBig Shot BoxingBig Shot BoxingPizza TowerPizza TowerJacksmithJacksmithBarbershop Inc.Barbershop Inc.Burger BountyBurger BountyChicky FarmChicky FarmIsland Odyssey: Return of the SeaIsland Odyssey: Return of the SeaKate's Cooking PartyKate's Cooking PartyAnt Art TycoonAnt Art TycoonTeeny Tiny TownTeeny Tiny TownPapa's FreezeriaPapa's FreezeriaKate's Cooking Party 2Kate's Cooking Party 2Cat Coffee ShopCat Coffee ShopSilly SkySilly SkyStick MergeStick MergeCafe SimulatorCafe SimulatorVillage CraftVillage CraftRetro Bowl CollegeRetro Bowl CollegeIdle Startup TycoonIdle Startup TycoonPapa's BurgeriaPapa's BurgeriaApple Knight: Farmers MarketApple Knight: Farmers MarketPapa's WingeriaPapa's WingeriaIdle Mining EmpireIdle Mining EmpireDay of Meat: RadiationDay of Meat: RadiationStick DefendersStick DefendersThe Final Earth 2The Final Earth 2Idle AntsIdle AntsMerge PenguinsMerge PenguinsCow BayCow BayBeecoins IncBeecoins IncVillage BuilderVillage BuilderPhox ForagePhox ForageWar MasterWar MasterIdle Farming BusinessIdle Farming BusinessGame of FarmersGame of FarmersJungle FriendsJungle FriendsGalactic EmpireGalactic EmpireMislandMislandIdle Tree CityIdle Tree CityFantasy MergerFantasy MergerMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncCastle WoodwarfCastle WoodwarfMerge Cyber RacersMerge Cyber RacersDigging MasterDigging MasterMerge Round RacersMerge Round RacersSlime WarSlime WarPapa's ScooperiaPapa's ScooperiaCookin' TruckCookin' Truck4th and Goal 20244th and Goal 2024Bunny FarmBunny FarmSurvival IslandSurvival IslandBlacksmith TycoonBlacksmith TycoonKiwi ClickerKiwi ClickerStack CityStack CityVortelli's CafeVortelli's CafeIdle Gold MinerIdle Gold MinerPapa's Taco MiaPapa's Taco Mia4th and Goal 20224th and Goal 2022Wheat FarmingWheat FarmingPapa’s PancakeriaPapa’s PancakeriaThe Walking MergeThe Walking MergeWheat ClickerWheat ClickerIdle GangIdle GangIdle Money TreeIdle Money Tree4th and Goal 20234th and Goal 2023Kubi PetsKubi PetsCombiMonCombiMonBunny MarketBunny MarketPapa's PastariaPapa's PastariaDay of Meat: CastleDay of Meat: CastleReal Estate RushReal Estate RushPapa's SushiriaPapa's SushiriaFarm BattlesFarm Battles4th and Goal 20204th and Goal 2020Era: EvolutionEra: EvolutionSmash Car Idle 2Smash Car Idle 2Papa's PizzeriaPapa's PizzeriaPapa's HotdoggeriaPapa's HotdoggeriaStick RushStick RushCat Clicker RECat Clicker RESpaceship MergeSpaceship MergePirates MergerPirates MergerCrazy PartyCrazy PartyIdle Pet BusinessIdle Pet BusinessDungeon MinerDungeon MinerZ-RaidZ-RaidBuild LandBuild LandBabel TowerBabel TowerIdle Light CityIdle Light CityQuack QuestQuack QuestFinn's Fantastic Food MachineFinn's Fantastic Food MachineIdle CowshedIdle CowshedCrafters Inc: Tycoon EmpireCrafters Inc: Tycoon EmpireMeow MergeMeow MergeCrafty CooksCrafty CooksFox Island BuilderFox Island BuilderPixel RealmsPixel RealmsCooking FastCooking FastConveyor DeliConveyor Deli4th and Goal 20194th and Goal 2019Farm and MineFarm and MineCursed Treasure Level PackCursed Treasure Level PackPapa's DonuteriaPapa's DonuteriaCooking Fast HalloweenCooking Fast HalloweenTowntopiaTowntopiaPapa's BakeriaPapa's BakeriaCursed TreasureCursed TreasureDoggo ClickerDoggo ClickerCursed Treasure 2Cursed Treasure 2Papa's CupcakeriaPapa's CupcakeriaTop Chef Hero 2Top Chef Hero 2Idle MinerIdle MinerGrow Up the CatsGrow Up the Cats4th and Goal 20184th and Goal 2018Idle Zoo Safari RescueIdle Zoo Safari RescuePapa's CheeseriaPapa's CheeseriaOlly the PawOlly the PawTavern TycoonTavern TycoonDayCare TycoonDayCare TycoonPurrfect ScoopsPurrfect ScoopsFantasy Idle Tycoon 2Fantasy Idle Tycoon 2Ogo Pet HospitalOgo Pet HospitalYum YachtYum YachtTower Defense - Alien InvadersTower Defense - Alien Invaders
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Jocuri Manager

Jocuri Manager
Aceste jocuri manager te scot din birou si te plaseaza in captivanta lume a strategiei in timp real. Poti detine un restaurant aglomerat, poti avea grija de un bebelus plangand sau poti administra o insufletita retea de distributie de ziare. In aceste provocari de management va trebui sa iei decizii importante si sa incerci sa acumulezi cat mai multe puncte, inainte de expirarea timpului. Poti castiga sume enorme de bani virtuali si poti stabili un nou scor record! Te vei putea distra intr-o varietate de locatii, de la restaurante obisnuite si baruri pe plaja, pana la saloane de coafura. Alege-ti locatia favorita si munceste din greu pentru a deveni cel mai bun!

Majoritatea acestor jocuri manager se controleaza foarte usor cu mouse-ul si tastatura. Poti conduce un intreg personal de chelneri sau poti controla evenimentele dintr-un oras in cateva secunde. Provocarile noastre sunt special facute pentru a te distra; nu sunt disponibile sarcini plictisitoare- vei avea parte doar de actiune! Vei invata sa devii un renumit manager de restaurant, proprietar de mall sau designer de motociclete, avand parte de distractie maxima in tot acest timp! Iti oferim jocuri perfecte de strategie, pentru actiune si distractie in timp real. Ia hotarari inteligente si culege recompensele!

Care sunt cele mai bune Jocuri Manager gratuite online?

  1. Mall Tycoon
  2. My Perfect Hotel
  3. Idle Success
  4. Dasi Hospital Manager
  5. Office Manager
  6. War of Sticks
  7. My Super Tiny Market
  8. Idle Lumber Inc
  9. Dasi Library Manager
  10. Survival Builder

Care sunt cele mai populare Jocuri Manager pentru telefonul mobil sau tabletă?

  1. Mall Tycoon
  2. My Perfect Hotel
  3. Dasi Hospital Manager
  4. Office Manager
  5. War of Sticks