Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5
Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5
Ijodkor: FM Studio
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Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5

FM Studio4.12,019 Ovozlar
Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5

Shkaf yana ochiladi, lekin bu safar uni to'xtatish rejasi bor kimdir... Forgotten Hill: The Gardrobe 5 - Gardrop seriyasidagi eng so'nggi dahshatli o'yin! Yangi dahshatli tushlarni ko'rishga tayyor bo'ling, shkafning eng qorong'u joylarini o'rganing va yo'lingizni to'sib qo'yadigan barcha jumboqlarni hal qiling. Har bir jumboqda o'zingizni tiqilib qolgandek his qilsangiz, javob topishga yordam beradigan ba'zi maslahatlar mavjud. Nihoyat garderobning dahshatini to'xtata olasizmi? Va eng muhimi, siz omon qolasizmi?

Forgotten Hill: The Gardrobe 5-ni qanday o'ynayman?

Qiziqarli narsalarni bosish uchun sichqonchadan foydalaning va ayyor jumboqlarni hal qilishda sizga yordam berish uchun inventaringizdagi narsalarni to'plang.

  • Sichqonchaning chap tugmasi: Qiziqarli ob'ektlar bilan ishlash uchun bosing (va torting).

Forgotten Hill: The Gardrobe 5 filmini kim yaratdi?

Forgotten Hill: The Gardrobe 5 FM Studio tomonidan yaratilgan. Ularning boshqa o'yinlarini o'ynang Poki: Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe, Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 2, Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 3, Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 4, Forgotten Hill Memento: Playground, Forgotten Hill Memento: Love Beyond, Forgotten Hill Memento: Buried Things, Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer, Forgotten Hill: Fall, Forgotten Hill: Surgery, Little Cabin in the Woods va Pixel Volley!

Qanday qilib Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5-ni bepul o'ynashim mumkin?

Poki saytida Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5 o'yinini bepul o'ynashingiz mumkin.

Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5 o‘yinini mobil qurilmalar va ish stolida o‘ynay olamanmi?

Forgotten Hill: The Wardrobe 5 o'yinini kompyuteringizda va telefon va planshetlar kabi mobil qurilmalaringizda o'ynashingiz mumkin.

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