Simulačné hry

3D hry3D hryKlikacie hryKlikacie hryStavebné hryStavebné hryRemeselné hryRemeselné hry
Village BuilderVillage BuilderIdle AntsIdle AntsSprint LeagueSprint LeagueWar of SticksWar of SticksIdle SuccessIdle SuccessArcher Master 3D: Castle DefenseArcher Master 3D: Castle DefenseIdle Light CityIdle Light CityWe Become What We BeholdWe Become What We BeholdCow BayCow BayRoller Coaster Builder 2Roller Coaster Builder 2Doodle GodDoodle GodTraffic Escape!Traffic Escape!Village CraftVillage CraftDasi Library ManagerDasi Library ManagerMonkey MartMonkey MartPunch Legend SimulatorPunch Legend SimulatorWheat FarmingWheat FarmingWar MasterWar MasterBarbershop Inc.Barbershop Inc.Shape FoldShape FoldSugar, SugarSugar, SugarThe Final Earth 2The Final Earth 2Tiger Simulator 3DTiger Simulator 3DScary Teacher 3DScary Teacher 3D
Idle Digging TycoonIdle Digging TycoonTribals.ioTribals.ioVortelli's PizzaVortelli's PizzaHorse Simulator 3DHorse Simulator 3DPapa's ScooperiaPapa's Scooperia18 Wheeler Cargo Simulator 218 Wheeler Cargo Simulator 2Super Girl StorySuper Girl StoryPixel RealmsPixel RealmsMarble Run SimulatorMarble Run SimulatorMine LineMine LineOffice ManagerOffice ManagerDoctor HeroDoctor HeroIdle Startup TycoonIdle Startup TycoonMechabotsMechabotsJungle FriendsJungle FriendsSilly SkySilly SkyShape Fold NatureShape Fold NaturePapa's CupcakeriaPapa's CupcakeriaCity RiderCity RiderHospital Stories: Doctor BasketballHospital Stories: Doctor BasketballRotateZRotateZBurger BountyBurger BountyCombiMonCombiMonDog Simulator 3DDog Simulator 3DDungeon MinerDungeon MinerIdle Pet BusinessIdle Pet BusinessCozy Room DesignCozy Room DesignDoctor Teeth 2Doctor Teeth 2Fury WarshipFury WarshipPerfect PeelPerfect PeelAnt Art TycoonAnt Art TycoonLucky Claw MachineLucky Claw MachinePanda Simulator 3DPanda Simulator 3DAnycolorAnycolorFox Simulator 3DFox Simulator 3DHospital Stories: Doctor RugbyHospital Stories: Doctor RugbyVortelli's Pizza DeliveryVortelli's Pizza DeliveryUnder the Red SkyUnder the Red SkyRocket Soccer DerbyRocket Soccer DerbyHospital Stories: Doctor SoccerHospital Stories: Doctor SoccerIdle Gold MinerIdle Gold MinerTowntopiaTowntopiaIdle CowshedIdle CowshedBunny FarmBunny FarmRaccoon Adventure: City Simulator 3DRaccoon Adventure: City Simulator 3DOlly the PawOlly the PawIZOWAVE - Build and DefendIZOWAVE - Build and DefendCat Coffee ShopCat Coffee ShopTree House MakerTree House MakerSatisBoxSatisBoxWhere's My Pizza?Where's My Pizza?Wheat ClickerWheat ClickerTiger TankTiger TankSky MadSky MadBlacksmith TycoonBlacksmith TycoonPack a bagPack a bagVortelli's CafeVortelli's CafeFlowZFlowZScrew FactoryScrew FactoryFunny Hair SalonFunny Hair SalonIsland Odyssey: Return of the SeaIsland Odyssey: Return of the SeaFox Island BuilderFox Island BuilderCrafty CooksCrafty CooksCookie MasterCookie MasterSlashZSlashZKiwi ClickerKiwi ClickerCastle Defender SagaCastle Defender SagaWoodcraftWoodcraftJust Park It 12Just Park It 12Offroader V5Offroader V5Castle WoodwarfCastle WoodwarfApple Knight: Farmers MarketApple Knight: Farmers MarketKate's Cooking Party 2Kate's Cooking Party 2My Super Tiny MarketMy Super Tiny MarketAqua ThrillsAqua ThrillsIce Cream, Please!Ice Cream, Please!Crafters Inc: Tycoon EmpireCrafters Inc: Tycoon EmpireHorse ShoeingHorse ShoeingHighway Bike SimulatorHighway Bike SimulatorMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncMad Scientist Clicker: Idle Crazy IncKingdom HeroesKingdom HeroesGym MastersGym MastersIdle Farming BusinessIdle Farming BusinessDeer SimulatorDeer SimulatorCaesar's Day OffCaesar's Day OffAnycolor HoroscopesAnycolor HoroscopesToy Car SimulatorToy Car SimulatorDasi Hospital ManagerDasi Hospital ManagerExtreme Off Road CarsExtreme Off Road CarsLife: The Game - Stay SafeLife: The Game - Stay SafeGame of FarmersGame of FarmersMarble RunMarble RunDoodle God: Good Old TimesDoodle God: Good Old TimesPixel FishingPixel FishingMislandMislandGoat vs ZombiesGoat vs ZombiesJust Park It 11Just Park It 11Extreme Off Road Cars 3: CargoExtreme Off Road Cars 3: CargoIdle Money TreeIdle Money TreeGiraffe Winter Sports SimulatorGiraffe Winter Sports SimulatorCrazy Pig SimulatorCrazy Pig SimulatorAfterlife: The GameAfterlife: The GameIdle MinerIdle MinerPhox ForagePhox ForageFarm and MineFarm and MineIdle GangIdle GangReal Estate RushReal Estate RushIdle Zoo Safari RescueIdle Zoo Safari RescuePirates MergerPirates MergerAnycolor by NumbersAnycolor by NumbersPunchersPunchersMarble Run 2DMarble Run 2DStack CityStack CityBeecoins IncBeecoins IncFantasy SandboxFantasy SandboxPizza TowerPizza TowerIdle Tree CityIdle Tree CityCafe SimulatorCafe SimulatorBuild LandBuild LandPrismo ColoringPrismo ColoringCastle BlocksCastle BlocksDoodle God: Fantasy World of MagicDoodle God: Fantasy World of MagicGrow Up the CatsGrow Up the Cats2 Player City Racing2 Player City RacingCrazy PartyCrazy PartyDayCare TycoonDayCare TycoonPurrfect ScoopsPurrfect ScoopsOgo Pet HospitalOgo Pet HospitalYum YachtYum Yacht
Tycoon HryTycoon HryNečinné hryNečinné hryRiadiace hryRiadiace hryFarmárske hryFarmárske hryHry s myšouHry s myšouDievčenské hryDievčenské hry

Simulačné hry

Simulačné hry
Naša zbierka je ideálna pre hráčov hľadajúcich poriadnu výzvu. V našich simulačných hrách môžete znova prežiť vzrušujúce životné udalosti, vyskúšať si rôzne zamestnania a zdokonaliť svoje schopnosti. Hrajte jednu z mnohých farmárskych simulácií vrátane série Farm Frenzy úplne bezplatne. Alebo sa staňte ostrostrelcom na divokom západe v jednej z kovbojských simulácií. Dokonca môžete pracovať ako hasič, spúšťať sa po tyči, riadiť hasičské vozidlo a hasiť pekelné plamene.

Naše simulačné hry umožňujú vyskúšať si alternatívne zamestnania, napríklad prácu v nemocnici alebo prácu gazdinej. Operujte koleno, staňte sa veterinárom alebo pracujte ako sestrička v pôrodnici. Môžete aj upratovať domy, dávať do poriadku neupratané izby a zarábať peniaze ako dobre platená slúžka. Bez ohľadu na vybratý typ simulácie sa určite zabavíte vďaka množstvu herných dobrodružstiev. Prevádzkujte továreň na recykláciu, strieľajte nebezpečných protivníkov a simulujte všetko, čo chcete.

Aké sú najlepšie bezplatné Simulačné hry online?

  1. Idle Mining Empire
  2. Idle Lumber Inc
  3. Life Choices: Life Simulator
  4. Digging Master
  5. My Perfect Hotel
  6. Mall Tycoon
  7. Survival Builder
  8. Cat Pizza
  9. Fishing League
  10. Dragon Simulator 3D

Aké sú najobľúbenejšie Simulačné hry pre mobilný telefón alebo tablet?

  1. Idle Mining Empire
  2. Life Choices: Life Simulator
  3. Digging Master
  4. My Perfect Hotel
  5. Mall Tycoon